DARK SHADOWS: Strange is Relative
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Three Things in Life You Can Always Count On...
This Hap Pitkin editorial cartoon has been making the rounds recently and makes a pretty good point about how politicians (at this time in history -- Republicans) fixate on the little drips and dribbles that polarize the voters rather than tackling the substantive problems. The finger in the dike metaphor is oft-used by satirists and cartoonists for these types of situations. Pitkin's cartoon reminded me of my own editorial cartoon drawn up back in the middle of the "W" administration. In this case, I'm satirizing the incessant need of political bureaucracy to avoid taking the obvious steps to fix a problem and instead fixate on dragging out the process of coming to consensus. My issue was the immigration issue. Rather than draw the dike with holes, I used the metaphor of leaving the water running and skipping the obvious step of first turning off the water.
There are three things in life you can always count on: Death, Taxes, and Politicians avoiding reality. It never changes.
*disregard the email addy at the bottom of the cartoon because it doesn't exist anymore.
There are three things in life you can always count on: Death, Taxes, and Politicians avoiding reality. It never changes.
*disregard the email addy at the bottom of the cartoon because it doesn't exist anymore.
Friday, March 23, 2012
TV's New GREEN ARROW Costume...fixed!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Ka-Boom Family (Sneak Peek Sketch)
With DC Comics' recent announcement that Capt. Marvel & the Marvel Family are no more; instead they are establishing a entirely new incarnations of these classic characters, I've gotten the bug to revisit my own original concept, Capt. Ka-Boom and the Ka-Boom Family. Above is a new pencil drawing of the basic costume designs. Once I have had the time to layer in the colors and finish it out, I will write up a more in-depth piece detailing the characters and concept.
For now, just know that while they are not at all parodies or direct homages to the Marvel Family characters, the Ka-Boom Family is a super-hero concept that is intended to embody the playful spirit and tone that once was exemplified in the Marvel Family comics originally published by Fawcett.
So, here's a bit of a teaser for you
Who knows. Maybe I'll get inspired to actually do more with these characters than just design their look and develop the concept.
*Captain Ka-Boom, Kassie Ka-Boom, Kid Ka-Boom, Chimp Ka-Boom, Ka-Boom Family characters TM and © Keith Howell
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Reblogged: Rush to Judgment
I was an early adopter of Rush myself. I started listening to his show in 1988 and listened practically daily for over 10 years.
That was during the time when, if you really listened daily, you knew he didn't take his own schtick seriously. I don't doubt his conservative belief system, but the blustery puffed-up ass he portrayed on the radio was a persona he turned on when the microphone was hot and turned off when the microphone was off.
When Rush started to lose me was when he started the slow process of believing his own schtick and I was evolving into a near absolute individualist (which runs contrary to both the American "Conservative" movement AND the "Liberal" movements).
This pattern of believing their own hype happens too often with populist personalites like this. They go from being brilliant performers (and/or commentators) and slip into full demagoguery before they even realize it. Rush is digging his own grave...and Glenn Beck is surely privately drawing up proposals to offer his show to the stations currently carrying the Limbaugh radio show.

ZAKI'S CORNER with Zaki Hasan | News | Reviews | Pop Culture | Politics: Rush to Judgment: There was a time when I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. All the time. And not ironically, either. As a junior high student in the thick...
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
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